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Consulting and Speaking Engagements

As growth mindset research expands in scope and popularity, there is increasing need for expertise in developing growth mindset interventions. My research focuses on best implementation practices. We seek to develop growth mindsets to enhance mental health and encourage more positive social interactions. With multiple first author meta-analyses on mindsets, I am well-versed in the theory, methods, and implementations strategies related to fostering growth mindsets to help individuals and organizations reach their goals.


Speaking Engagements

Building a growth mindset culture:

This talk is designed for power brokers, leaders, and influencers who want to learn how to create an environment that fosters growth mindsets to build more collaborative, creative, and engaged cultures.

Growth mindsets and psychological flourishing:

This talk outlines the what, why, when, and how of growth mindsets in the context of psychological flourishing. The talk can be tailored to focus on links between growth mindsets and engagement, personal goal achievement, emotional well being, and/or mental health.

Foundation Parenting:

This talk outlines how parents can foster their own growth mindset as well as how to parent in a way that provides the foundation for raising kids who have a love of learning and are resilient. Foundation parenting is providing the base needed to nourish the growth mindset.


"SUPER, SUPER THANK YOU, for joining us today!  After the PTA portion of the meeting, literally EVERYONE asked if they could have this presentation again.  In ten years of being a school administrator, I have never observed families as on board for learning and considering how to use ideas to best support kids!  You were an absolute hit with our families, and we are TRULY grateful!"


- Oberlin Middle School Principal



Dr. Jeni L. Burnette

Department of Psychology

NC State University



Get in touch

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